Bleach vs. Naruto vs. One Piece 1.8.w3x

Main Idea of the Map 
This is a AoS-map-typed showdown between three different anime fractions: Bleach, Naruto and One Piece. Each player can choose one of the unique heroes of his favorite anime series. Main goal is to defeat the enemies' heroes, their forces and destroying their base by making use of the powerful skills each character has and increasing their fighting repertoure by merging different items to even stronger ones. Each base is guarded by 4 towers around the main building, a tower on the end of each lane another 2 towers per lane. The terrain is mostly based on different regions, spots etc. of all the three anime series to create an authentic atmosphere.

Currently available modes and further game commands 

Currently available Modes
-ap: allows to pick heros from both taverns
-ar: everyone gets a random hero
-sm: heroes get faster experience
-usm: heroes get 3x experience than usual
-nf: no fog of war (map is completely visible)
-we on/we off (enabling weather changes, influencing the 
war as well)

Further Game Commands
-random: you will get a random hero instead of having to 
pick one
-suicide: kills your hero, but you pay 500g for it 
(use when you are stucked)
-ms: shows the current movement speed of your hero
-ma: shows which player controls which hero
-cs: displays the number of creeps you have killed
-ch/-cn/-cl: scrolls the camera to high/normal/low
-repick: allows you to once repick your hero
-we on/we off (enabling weather changes, influencing the 
war as well)
