Legion TD Mega 3.41 (beta3).w3x

Changes log :
- Fix priest's unlimit heal
- wolverine crit is working now (with lower damage)
- Put back cooldown on all summon spell.
(mana regen will lower from 60 to 40 second)
- remove income cap ( higher income still get full gold)
- lower bonus gold for level 20 to lvl30
- Fix -vk for uncertain bug (please confirm if it still bug)
- add W3MMD !!! (please confirm if it still cause mass disconnect)
- Introduce score system, It calculate from on :

  • Build towers to defend your team's King from attackers.
  • Each level, your towers become units and fight for you
  • Harvest lumber with workers. Use lumber to buy summons to attack the other team andincrease your income. Lumber can also be used to upgrade your team's King's stats.
  • Defeat the enemy King to win.