
hbm Garena Auto Joiner 4.8.1

hbm Garena Auto-Joiner is a support program for Garena with features like: Auto Join (Click Auto), Auto Tunnel and Auto Open .

Auto Join:Garena automatically join the room without waiting 5 seconds. You can minimize Garena and do their work.
Auto Tunnel:Automatic tunnel all players in the room while you are playing games or doing other work.
Auto Detect:Automatic detection of Garena offset so that Auto-Joiner can patch all version of Garena.
Auto Run:Automatically run other programs with Auto-Joiner.
Auto Update:Auto update Auto-Joiner to the latest version.
Multiple Choice:Auto-Joiner allows you to select more than one room to join.
Multiple Languages:Auto-Joiner has 19 languages ​​to choose from.

Download: http://gotupload.com/8gi3ht6dyuwp/Auto_Joiner_4.8.1_dota360.com.zip.html

Enfo's Team Survival:MT Edition 1.93

ETS:MT has a variety of exclusive features compared to other ETS maps, among them are:
Game Modes: MT Edition gives the Host the ability to set game modes to the game. These game modes will change the gaming experience for players and can even change the game into a whole new different style. Some of the most used game modes are Draft, Extra Bounty, Solo and Random Mode.
Support Monsters: The waves of monsters spawn two different kind of creatures. While one of them face the Heroes the usual way, the other one supports its allies with spells, auras, passive skills, or ranged attacks.
Unique Heroes: Some heroes in MT Edition were designed by the MT Team and thus are exclusive to this version, a few that can be listed are the Summoner, Sniper, Spiked Tree, Time Mage, Faenrae Champion and others.
Learning Curve: Intentionally, there are just a few combo items in ETS:MT. That and other things contribute to the very soft learning curve of the map. You don't have to worry about what items are good for the combo item that is required for another combo item. The heroes are also very easy to play, and the map doesn't have complicated hero combos or spells used to exploit cheap strategies.
Tips: For the players new to the map, random tips are displayed telling the basics of the game, to make it even easier to be played. The tips can be disabled.
Rematch: After the match ends, players can stay in the game for the rematches. This way players can play any amount of matches on the same game.
Balance: MT Team always had the motto "Balance is Everything", and that's why MT Edition will always work with balance being the top priority. That's why players can always play the map without having to worry about which is the most rigged hero to play with or item to buy.

Download: http://gotupload.com/xfinq89h6qes/Enfos_MT_V193_dota360.com.zip.html

Bleach vs. Naruto vs. One Piece 1.7.w3x

by Flash.Kisame
Choose your favorite character from Bleach, Naruto or One Piece and be part of the awesomedary showdown !! Modes currently are: -ap -ar -sm -usm -nf -we on/-we off

Currently available Modes: 
-ap: allows to pick heros from both taverns
-ar: everyone gets a random hero
-sm: heroes get faster experience
-usm: heroes get 3x experience than usual
-nf: no fog of war (map is completely visible)
-we on/we off (enabling weather changes, influencing the
war as well)

Further Game Commands: 
-random: you will get a random hero instead of having to pick one
-suicide: kills your hero, but you pay 500g for it (use when you are stucked)
-ms: shows the current movement speed of your hero
-ma: shows which player controls which hero
-cs: displays the number of creeps you have killed
-ch/-cn/-cl: scrolls the camera to high/normal/low
-repick: allows you to once repick your hero
-we on/we off (enabling weather changes, influencing the war as well)


Dota halloween 2011

Dota Halloween 2011

Lina + Rylai





Night Stalker




Naix - Lifestealer

Divide and Fight v1.29 [P].w3x

Present by 0T0.Lowji |  vuongkkk
Updated: 27/10/2011 9:30
Modes: -ap, -ar, -sh, -swap, -ms, -wtf, -test, -clear
Patch: 1.24e
Category: Hero Defense
Recommended Players: 2-4-6-8-10
Size: 4921.9 KB

DotA Imba Legends v2.0.w3x

This map is DotA Imba Legends v2.0
(Dota imba + Dota lod = Dota imba legends)
by Flick
OMG mode by Flick
Dale BR

Download: (7.2 MB)

Divide And Fight v1.31 Fix.w3x

Divide and Fight v1.30b
Present by 0T0.Lowji | Ngoa Long
Updated: 24/10/2011 7:00 PM
Modes: -ap, -ar, -sh, -swap, -ms, -wtf, -test, -clear

Divide and Fight v1.29 [P].w3x  (Official Information Divide & Fight)

Patch: 1.24e
Category: Hero Arena
Recommended Players: 2-4-6-8-10
Size: 5742.3 KB

Download v1.31 fix: http://gotupload.com/ulaigokh17ra/Divide_And_Fight_v1.31_Fix_dota360.com.zip.html

Download v1.30f:

Anime x hero siege v2.48b.w3x

Nevermore vs Mirana 7.3.w3x

Nevermore vs Mirana 7.3
You can play immediately no play difficult.
Recommended Players: 1-12
Size: 2.4 MB

Download v7.3: http://gotupload.com/33khpnru64l5/Nevermore_vs_Mirana_7.3_dota360.com.zip.html

Download Garena Plus - 235 room limit

- Garena Clan is integrated with Garena Plus. We understand that many
of you are still using Garena Client. Please take note that Garena
Client will not support Garena Clans and the old clan system will be
deactivated later.

- Garena Client would gradually phase out. We suggest you to use
Garena Plus. Garena Plus LAN Game is similar to Garena Client, but it
looks cooler and offers more useful functions to you, e.g. the room
capacity is increased to 235 for Garena Plus users.

Nice, I though Garena Plus had Gold member by default (since I could enter full rooms and can see pings) but it seems they increased the room limit.

Download: (34.9 MB)

Age of Warfare v1.18b.w3x

Created By : Assassin
A great battle in the ice age. the objects rare they must be localized

Category: Hero Defense
Tileset: Icecrown Glacier
Dimensions: 128x128
Playable Area: 120x120
Recommended Players: 2 - 10 players
Size: 6837.7 KB


Divide and Fight v1.30

Modes: -ap, -ar, -sh, -swap, -ms, -wtf, -test, -clear
Patch: 1.24e

Recommended Players: 2-4-6-8-10
Size: 4468.2 KB

DotA v6.72f AI 1.0.w3x

DotA v6.72f AI (NIGHTMARE)
Greetings! Welcome to the latest official AI DotA custom map.

NIGHTMARE ... massive official map changes, too many broken skills, too many systems completely rewritten, too much caffeine, too many new AI heroes added... This map was an equal nightmare and a new hope for a better times. We should all thank the AITeam and Cloud_str for devoting those months so you all can enjoy that fine map. In some words the biggest changes are: -captains mode active (AI will pick and ban), all heroes got AI now, completely rewritten defense mechanism, item buying system, new gank system and so many other changes... that you`ll have to read the whole changelog to find them.. although many of the changes are invisible for you but they are in the code.. believe me And again: thank Cloud_str for all that as i was away most of the time and the AITeam testers who endured all those painful testing hours! They deserve it!

What is AI 1.0 - we plan to release a more BMP style incremental releases which will include only AI code changes. We will change only the AI numbers in those incremental revisions.

Enjoy DotA v6.72f AI, codenamed NIGHTMARE!


Legion TD Mega 3.41.w3x is released

Legion TD Mega 3.41 is released ! !
  • Build towers to defend your team's King from attackers.
  • Each level, your towers become units and fight for you.
  • Harvest lumber with workers. Use lumber to buy summons to attack the other team and increase your income. Lumber can also be used to upgrade your team's King's stats.
  • Defeat the enemy King to win.
Game Mode :

Primary Mode:

-AP : All Pick - All players can pick any race.
-AP : All Random - All players are given a random race.
-SD : Single Draft - All players are given 2 random races to choose.
-HP : Host Pick - host pick a race, every given same race as host. 

Secondary Mode:
-mm : Master Mind - Restricted vision on enemy's map and information.
-hg : Hour Glass - Receive gold for enemy leaks (that reach the King).
-gg : Get Gold - Receive gold from kills at middle (near king).
-cb : Change Builder - You can pay to change to a new builder.
-li : Limit Incomer - Pure income is disabled untill lvl10+.
-X3 : 3 Time - more creeps spawn Default Mode: if you don't enter mode in 15 seconds after game start, it will use "-aphgggmmcbx3" as defualt mode.

Quick Mode: if mode string is 3 characters long, it will use Quick Mode. eg "-ap"
-AP = "-aphgggmmcbx3"
-SD = "-aplihgggmmcbx3"
-AR = "-aplihgggmmcbx3"
-HP = "-aplihgggmmcbx3" Short Mode: make mode shorter for Hostbot or player
"gm" = gg + mm
"gc" = gg +cb
"gl" = gg +li
"cl" = cb +li
(hg & x3 is default, don't need to type)

    Earth Keeper II v2.95 [F].w3x

    - Earth Keeper Season 2 : Mirror World 
    - Download at : http://war3am.hnsv.com
    - Map Created by Valenkine with Vietnamese 

    Category: Hero Defense
    Recommended Players:
     Full Player Best
    Size: 7856.3 KB


    Garena master v85.04

    Changelog: Version: 85.04 - [2011/10/29]
    - Garena and Warcraft Injector was reworked, i hope it work better now! (PS: Injectors is always detected like Virus by Antivirus, you must add it to exception list on your antivirus if you want use gm!)
    - Added Online Users Counter
    - Emergency fix on Injector for v85.03
    - PS: Lite version is still under development but we're doing good progress, i hope soon we will have it done!
    #-=-=-= Extra Features that WILL have on LITE version (under development): -=-=-=-=#
    # Advanced Exp Log
    # Auto Login all your accounts (max 18) on all configured servers (unlimited) with random port and join automatically each account and each instance on random room!
    # Option to close all open garena!
    # Option to close all open garena from determined account nick!
    # And more!

    Download .Net Framework 4.0: http://gotupload.com/ol7gi50b3s6c/dotNetFx40_Full_x86_x64.exe.html (48.11 MB)

    Type 1 If you use .Net Framework 4.0

    Download Garena master v85.04: http://gotupload.com/d4sx4tj3z3e0/GarenaMaster-85.04_dota360.com.zip.html

    Download Garena master v85.02: http://gotupload.com/qmwzujhuvqxe/GarenaMaster-v85.02_dota360.com.zip.html

    Resident Evil Snow V3.3.w3x

    Your helicopter has fell in a unknown location.The Ruins will test you by giving modern supplies/guns to beat their armies of zombies/undead or die trying. Changed map name from "Resident Evil Ruins v4.1".

    Recommended Players: 6-8 Players
    Size: 3259.5 KB

    Sniper Arena Revolution v 3.35(+AI)

    3 game modes - Fight, Bomb, Hostages
    6 landscapes selections, random map every game.
    Greatly realised sniper zoom, advanced contrlos
    Specific item and buy system.
    Full AI included
    Map creator: Lord_of_Sausage

    Download: http://gotupload.com/pjnpgy9wcec1/Sniper_Arena_Revolution_v3.35_b.w3x.html

    Naruto Castle Defense v5.9.w3x

    This is the Final Version of Naruto Castle Defense.
    Added Kick System (so play fair and nice) and the player slots was bug, thats why I removed it.
    Edited by: Madara-Rinnegan
    Map Created by: Madara-Rinnegan

    Category: Castle Defense
    Recommended Players: Full House

    Download v5.9b: http://gotupload.com/rwc4h6ad5mco/Naruto_Castle_Defense_v5.9b_dota360.com.zip.html

    Download v5.8: http://gotupload.com/ntki7dz6vbwh/Naruto_Castle_Defense_v5.8_dota360.com.zip.html

    Download v5.7: http://gotupload.com/kobsan2zqpwh/Naruto_Castle_Defense_v5.7_dota360.com.zip.html

    Moo Moo v3.16 Generation X

    Join an epic battle to defend Moo Moo from the evil centaur raiders!
    Note: You must install the latest Warcraft 3 patch (version 1.24b or newer) to play this map.

    Category: Melee
    Tileset: Sunken Ruins
    Dimensions: 128x128
    Playable Area: 116x116
    Recommended Players: 3 - 6


    Dota Replay Seeker v1.1с

    Hi. This tool should help you to manipulate the replay playback.
    Authors: Danat & DonTomaso

    • You can change the speed of the replay from 1/32x to 31x or make it run "as fast as possible".
    • You can specify the position in the replay that you want to reach, and ReplaySeeker will quickly fast-forward replay to that position, pausing the replay when done and playing a sound (to notify you). Note that this works while Warcraft is minimized, which allows you to do something else during the process (like browsing the forums).
    • Rewinding is supported but by restarting the replay and then fast-forwarding to the specified position, so it's not an actual rewind. You can always check whether the replay will be restarted or not by looking at the "sync solution" field.[IMPORTANT] REQUIREMENTS:
    • Since this program is written in C#, you need to have .NET Framework 2.0 installed on your computer (see link below).

    To run this tool in Vista without any errors you must right click the exe and from the dropdown menu select "Run as administrator".

    Additional file:
    .Net Framework 2.0 download page (dotnetfx.exe - 22,4 mb)
    Some programs install FW2.0 automatically in order for them to work, so you might already have it installed on your pc.

    Download: ReplaySeeker_v1.1c_dota360.com.zip

    Older versions:

    Plugin System
    Starting from 0.9 version ReplaySeeker supports plugins. You can write your own plugins that will do what you want with the replay data, using the interfaces provided in the ReplaySeeker Plugin API package.

    Plugin API+Documentation package:
    ReplaySeeker Plugin API.rar
    Sample Project:
    To make things more simple, I've also provided a sample project for those who want to learn how to write their own plugins:
    SamplePlugin Project.rar

    Available plugins:
    • ReplayHotkeys (by Danat).
      A basic plugin that allows you to specify hotkeys for Pause, Speed Increase/Decrease, toggle on/off ally/enemy hp bars.
      Binary: ReplayHotkeys v1.0.rar Source: ReplayHotkeys_v1.0_source.rar
    • Simple Camera (by DonTomaso).
      A plugin that allows you to control the camera in Warcraft 3 without restrictions.
      Link to plugin thread: Simple Camera
    • RSExtensions (by DonTomaso).
      A plugin that prevents the replay of pausing when you unfocus the window (alt+tab), when not fast-forwarding.
      Download: RSExtensions.zip

    NOTE: To use this plugins you need to copy the .dll file to the Plugins folder of the ReplaySeeker.

    - if ReplaySeeker1.1 doesnt detect replays but previous versions do, then change the value specified in the ProcessName property inside "repseek.cfg" file to the name of the Warcraft process that you see in the Windows Task Manager when Warcraft is running. Most likely you would change "war3" to "War3" (idk why it differs on some computers). This is fixed for later versions though (>= 1.1b).

    Thien Kiem v6.4c.w3x

    Map Thien Kiem v6.4c by Rex - Garena.vn
    Advanced Options > Random Hero = All random
    Update: 10/20/2011
    Modes: -ud, -ah, -ap, -bp, -swap, -cl, -ms, -ma

    Category: Hero Arena
    Recommended Players: 1 - 10
    Size: 8049.1 KB

    Download v6.4c: http://gotupload.com/bfky7dvhi2d8/Thien_Kiem_v6.4c.w3x.html

    Divide and Fight v1.29b.w3x

    New version updated: 17/10/2011 9:30 by Ngoa Long
    Present by 0T0.Lowji (VietNamese)
    Modes: -ap, -ar, -sh, -swap, -ms, -wtf, -test, -clear
    Patch: 1.24e
    Recommended Players: 2-4-6-8-10
    Size: 4468.2 KB

    Dota imba AI v3.79e - DotA_im_3.79E.w3x

    DotA Imba AI v3.79E (Chinese version)
    imbalance in balance

    Dota imba mode

    Category: Hero Defense
    Recommended Players: 10 

    Size: 7.4 MB


    PoKeMoN Racing.w3x

    Category: Mini-Game/Sports
    Tileset: Lordaeron Winter
    Dimensions: 256x192
    Playable Area: 240x180
    Recommended Players: 4 to 8
    Size: 3103.7 KB
