
Game2a.com Hero Defense v1.7.w3x

This map by China member.....Good and pro for player like  Hero Defense
Hope you can win this map

Category: Hero Defense
Recommended Players: 1-6
Size: 2901 KB

Unlock 3 new heroes invisible:
  1. HZYYICEMJ : Ice
Enter finished unlock characters, clicl the small boy to pick smallbottom

Download: http://gotupload.com/kb7ho3hga663/Game2a.com_Hero_Defense_v1.7.w3x.html

Garena master v88.01

GarenaMaster is an Garena hack which removes all the restrictions from Garena gaming client. It has a lots offeatures including built-in Garena Exp, NameSpoofer, Auto-room joiner etc. Also, you may use any Warcraft 3 hack safely without any ban, you may use Cheat Engine too. GarenaMaster hack project was originally started by m4st3r and continued by DarkSupremo and Open|Fire but there are many people who contributed in it'sdevelopment.

Version: 88.01 - [2011/11/26]
- Fixed issue with hotkey F5 that make you join on Peru room, and eventually crash (this was an test that i did and forgot to remove) 

Download .Net Framework 4.0 (48.11 MB)
Type 1 If you use .Net Framework 4.0


DotA LoD v6.70 English v17.w3x

DotA LoD v6.70 English v15 is A Custom Version of DotA That Let the Players Can Able to Choose 3 Skills and 1 Ultimate to Combine into 1 Unique Hero in an Epic Battle to Defend the Ancients.

How to Play
1. At start you have a few minutes to choose skills.
2. Click the hero whose skill you want.
3. Click the + sign above the skill you want.
4. Check your skills on the multiboard at the top right of the map.
5. Choose 3 standard skills and 1 ultimate skill.
6. After skill picking phase, empty skill slots will receive a random skill.
7. Choose a hero after everyone finished picking skills.


DotA v6.69c BYS v7.w3x

This is now the new dota omg. There are some differences with this map and the omg map but most of the stuff are quite the same.

This map was not made by me,I just found it and wanted to share it here.

Abilities Draft:
To play with custom abilities draft, enter "-AP" mode when the map loads.

To pick your desired abilities:
- Select Hero from any Tavern and click the Bonus icon above any spell to select it.

Random Draft:
To get random abilities, Enter "-AR" mode.
- You will get any hero with random skillset. "-repick" command can be used once, if you dont like the skillset.

Here are some things you must know:
You don't need to type extra game modes in this map,simply typing -ap already adds the picking of skills game mode
You first pick skills here before picking your hero
Typing -ar as your game mode automatically randoms your hero and skills
In order to choose skills,you must click on the hero with the skill you want,then click on the plus sign above it

Update v7:
Muitas mudancas no Stack das skills
Skills Range nao podem ser usadas por Herois Melee
Adicionado Aftershock e Flak Cannon
Corrigido o BUG de Fatal Error com Troll e Medusa


Vung dat hon loan SF Final Non-Stop.w3x

by Dearika - Thank you for download & play :)
Category: Role Playing (RPG)
Tileset: Cityscape
Dimensions: 192x192
Playable Area: 179x180Recommended Players: 1 - 6
Size: 5429.3 KB
This map by VietNam member...Hope you enjoy and test it......Good luck and have fun

Anime x hero siege v2.60c.w3x

Map Anime x hero siege v2.59 by iosed - VietNam member...Hope you enjoy and play it
If you have question with this map, can question here, i can help you
-light -ms -rp -ow -cw -bt -rg
Category: Castle Defense
Recommended Players: iosed
Size: 8093.4 KB

Download v2.60c:

Download v2.59:

Download v2.58b:

Mirana Wars v1.7d.w3x

At the begining of the game, all players must wait until the host decides the game-mode, scores for win and the additional game-options.
After that, you'll be given a Hero called "Priestess of the Moon". The Hero has essentially 4 abilities, each of it as always
has its own pros and cons. You can as well boost these abilities by upgrading them using the "Skill Upgrader" which can be found
by clicking on the red cross into the Hero UI or by pressing [D]. In order to do so, you'll also need "Upgrade Points". They can be
obtained in several different ways - refer to Help (F9) for more information. Buy items with the gold you have earned and help your
team achieve the glorious victory.


Kill System: tracks down all players kills, deaths and streak points as well as play funny sounds and messages

Magic Runes: different types of powerups spawn once every 30 seconds in the middle, giving all kind of unique buffs

Dialogues: instead of typing the game-modes and such, you are showed a number of dialogues to ease the mode selection

Unique Terrain: a well plained and structured terrain gives the user great experience while playing the game

Skill/Item Upgrades: in order to bring much more fun to the player, they can upgrade their abilities and items

Game Options: allows the host player to give another twist of the entire gameplay with the additional game options


Modes: chosen only by Player 1 (Red) at the begining of each match, no matter if he is the host. Without selecting
any of the gamemodes, the game will never start.

Available modes: Team Deathmatch, Capture the Flag.

Commands: can be used by any player and have no restrictions regardless if you are the host or not. Commands must be typed
as a normal chat message.

Available commands: -st, -aa, -camlock, -resetcam, -clear.


Mode dota imba

- ar mode: -ardmssstfrfeakscoiermcslndbbcefn (All random, when death random new heroes)
- sd mode: -sdssstfrfeakscoiermcslndbbcefn (Random 3 heroes)
  • ar - All random
  • dm - Deathmatch
  • ss - Random skills
  • st - Super towers
  • fr - Fast respawn
  • fe - Global drop (neutral drops items)
  • ak - Award skill
  • sc - Super creeps
  • oi - Observer info
  • er - Expiremental runes
  • mc - Modified super creeps
  • sl - Skill lost
  • nd - No death
  • bb - Backdoor ban
  • cc - Clever creeps aka "heroes go to hell mode" 
  • fn - Fast neutrals
All range, All stats:

Melee, All stats:

Ranged, All stats:

Melee, Agility Only:

Ranged, Agility Only:

Ranged, Inteligence Only:

Melee, Strength Only:

As you can see, the only thing, that chages is range and stats. The base is set in the "All range, All stats" mode. The fuller description of those modes in the base goes next:

ak - your hero get's one extra random skill (so now you have 5, instead of 4)
fe - neutral creeps (those in the forest and very-very-very rarely those in the lanes) drop items. Never saw them drop complex items (such as Crystalys, Buriza etc), but most basics, even those from the forest - Eaglehorn, Sacred Relic, Belt of Giant Strength etc
fn - neutral creeps (those in the forest) respawn faster (10 sec, as the manual says)
fr - your and enemy heroes respawn instantly after death.. Like in Quake or UT..
nd - no death, as the manual says.. actually, I thought it was almost the same, as "fr" mode.. dunno now..
pm - all items dropped are common, so you can now equip your friends, if you are a faster asskicker =)
rs - set's you for a random side, despite what you selected before the game began. I try to choose the Scourge, cause I love the window design, and this mode let's me actually play for The Sentinel side
ss - all your skills are randomized - you can get any skill of any hero in DoTA. F.e., playing Sven with Pudge's meat hook is quite funny =)
st - super towers.. not that super, but they regenerate HP over time and are kinda little stronger.. but not that really hard as it could be... I like play dota imba with mode: -arakdm (All ransom hero and skill, no death time)

Legion TD Mega 3.41 (beta5).w3x

Version 3.41 (B5)
* W3MMD enable
* New Score

Category: Tower Defense (Cooperative)
Recommended Players: 2v2, 3v3, 4v4
Size: 1010.5 KB

Download: http://gotupload.com/n8x2zzr9licg/Legion_TD_Mega_3.41_(beta5).w3x.html

Anime x hero siege v2.57.w3x

Black Magik TD FINAL.w3x

Black Magik TD FINAL
Category: Tower Defense (Cooperative)
Recommended Players: 4
Size: 307.7 KB


DotA LoD v6.70 English v16.w3x

DotA LoD v6.70 English v15 is A Custom Version of DotA That Let the Players Can Able to Choose 3 Skills and 1 Ultimate to Combine into 1 Unique Hero in an Epic Battle to Defend the Ancients.

How to Play 
1. At start you have a few minutes to choose skills.
2. Click the hero whose skill you want.
3. Click the + sign above the skill you want.
4. Check your skills on the multiboard at the top right of the map.
5. Choose 3 standard skills and 1 ultimate skill.
6. After skill picking phase, empty skill slots will receive a random skill.
7. Choose a hero after everyone finished picking skills.

LoD Game Modes:
-allpick(-ap), -allrandom(-ar), -tripledraft(-td), -singledraft(-sd), -megadraft(-md), -ultradraft(-ud) But -ultradraft(-ud) Doesn't Work Properly But it May in the Future

LoD Additional Modes:
-deathmatch(-dm), -seeskills(-ss), -awardedskill(-ak), -randomultimate(-ru), -unlimitedlevel(-ul), -antibackdoor(-ab), -easybalance(-eb), -hardbalance(-hb)

Other Modes:
-duplicatemode(-du), -shuffleplayers(-sp), -samehero(-sh), -allagility(-aa), -allintelligence(-ai), -allstrength(-as), -itemdrop(-id), -easymode(-em), -nopowerups(-np), -supercreeps(-sc), -onlymid(-om), -notop(-nt), -nomid(-nm), -nobot(-nb), -noswap(-ns), -norepick(-nr), -poolingmode(-pm), -observerinfo(-oi), -miniheroes(-mi), -fastrespawn(-fr), -meleeonly(-mo), -rangeonly(-ro), -experimentalrunes(-er)

LoD Player Commands:
-sddon/-sddoff (show damage dealt), -cam high(-cam h), -cam low(-cam l)

Other Player Commands:
-ma, -ms, -cs, -cson, -csoff, -disablehelp, -enablehelp, -unstuck, -recreate, -swaphero, -showmsg, -hidemsg, -showdeny, -hidedeny, -weather rain, -weather snow, -weather moonlight, -weather wind, -weather random, -weather off, -denyinfo(-di), -deathon(-don), -deathoff(-doff), -roll, -hideheronames(-hhn), -mute, -gameinfo, -kickafk, -afkinfo, -apm, -clear, -swapall, -courier, -ah, -list, -rolloff, -rollon, -music, -water, -itemswap, -quote, -bonus, -switch, -terrain

Download v16:

Download v15:

Zombie Hunter 3 FE.w3x

by Xtrheo
After Jaeden's death, the story continues in this third episode of Zombie Hunter. Enjoy this new map, full of new items, upgrades, soundtracks and costumized abilities but still in the same tradition of Zombie Hunter. A real new challenge for ZH fans.

Recommended Players: 1-6
Size: 7746.9 KB

Nevermore vs Mirana 7.4c.w3x

by [TCG_Network]
You can play immediately no play difficult.
Email: Chinnapongpod2009@hotmail.com
Facebook: Nevermore of Wars /or Chinnapong Aonsaard.

Recommended Players: 1-12
Size: 2273.3 KB

Divide & Fight v1.32

Present by Jerry
Modes: -ap, -ar, -sh, -swap, -ms, -wtf, -test, -clear
Patch: 1.24e

Wizard's Battlefront[AI] v0.9.w3x

Play in a game of Brawling wizards, of course AI is available, but not very professional.
There are 2 kinds of modes:
Red player can set the kill count needed to win


Naruto Shippuden Ninpou Ex 8.5B.w3x

Category: Hero Arena
Recommended Players: .clmm
Size: 4085.6 KB

X-Hero Siege v3.32

Original by Sogat - Update By Mup
Version: 3.32 - Date: 11/12/2011
Category: Castle Defense
Recommended Players: 4-8 Player
Size: 3402.8 KB

Nevermore vs Mirana 7.4.w3x

You can play immediately no play difficult.
Recommended Players: 1-12
Size: 2269.9 KB

Anime x hero siege v2.54.w3x

Category: Castle Defense
Recommended Players: iosed -garena.vn
Size: 8107.3 KB
-light -ms -rp -ow -cw -bt -rg

Download v2.54:

Download v2.53http://gotupload.com/5u12ayrqsmns/Anime_x_hero_siege_v2.53.w3x.html

Legend Of The Dragon v9999.w3x

Новая Legend Of The Dragon v9999
Category: Hero Arena
Recommended Players: 12
Size: 4229.3 KB

Download: http://gotupload.com/rumlcez9hg6d/Legend_Of_The_Dragon_v9999.w3x.html

Cac chu tuoi gi qua map nay 2.2

In game......You want choose 2 new heroes......
Type: Shigulu or Younongmin
Download: http://gotupload.com/t5eiysf30jwm/ca...2.com.zip.html

Anime x hero siege v2.50.w3x

Category: Castle Defense
Recommended Players: iosed -garena.vn
Size: 7923.9 KB

Naruto Shippuuden Ninpou 6.5c.w3x

-New : Madara , Tobi , Kimimaro , Rock Lee,
Delete 6 Hero Blug
Category: Hero Arena
Recommended Players: .clmm
Size: 4050.1 KB

Reborn Vs Naruto 1.3c.w3x

Aos 3 way 30 hero
Category: Hero Defense
Recommended Players: 3team +
Size: 3127.4 KB


DotA LoD 6.69b English v14.w3x

Download v11: DotA_LoD_6.69b_English_v11_Game2a.com.zip
Download v12: http://gotupload.com/l7wnjuhbqgy1/DotA_LoD_6.69b_English_v12.w3x.html

DotA LoD 6.69b English v11 is A Custom Version of DotA That Let the Players Can Able to Choose 3 Skills and 1 Ultimate to Combine into 1 Unique Hero in an Epic Battle to Defend the Ancients.

Up to 101 Unique Heroes
Up to 402 Custom Skills Available (Some of the Custom Spells Haven't Placed Including Witchcraft, Invoke and Etc...
Numerous Number of Items are Available for Purchasing in the Game which will Make their Characters more Powerful.
And Other Features From The Original DotA

How to Play 
1. At start you have a few minutes to choose skills.
2. Click the hero whose skill you want.
3. Click the + sign above the skill you want.
4. Check your skills on the multiboard at the top right of the map.
5. Choose 3 standard skills and 1 ultimate skill.
6. After skill picking phase, empty skill slots will receive a random skill.
7. Choose a hero after everyone finished picking skills.

LoD Game Modes:-allpick(-ap), -allrandom(-ar), -tripledraft(-td), -singledraft(-sd), -megadraft(-md), -ultradraft(-ud) But -ultradraft(-ud) Doesn't Work Properly But it May in the Future
LoD Additional Modes:-deathmatch(-dm), -seeskills(-ss), -awardedskill(-ak), -randomultimate(-ru), -unlimitedlevel(-ul), -antibackdoor(-ab), -easybalance(-eb), -hardbalance(-hb)
Other Modes:-duplicatemode(-du), -shuffleplayers(-sp), -samehero(-sh), -allagility(-aa), -allintelligence(-ai), -allstrength(-as), -itemdrop(-id), -easymode(-em), -nopowerups(-np), -supercreeps(-sc), -onlymid(-om), -notop(-nt), -nomid(-nm), -nobot(-nb), -noswap(-ns), -norepick(-nr), -poolingmode(-pm), -observerinfo(-oi), -miniheroes(-mi), -fastrespawn(-fr), -meleeonly(-mo), -rangeonly(-ro), -experimentalrunes(-er)

LoD Player Commands:-sddon/-sddoff (show damage dealt), -cam high(-cam h), -cam low(-cam l)
Other Player Commands:-ma, -ms, -cs, -cson, -csoff, -disablehelp, -enablehelp, -unstuck, -recreate, -swaphero, -showmsg, -hidemsg, -showdeny, -hidedeny, -weather rain, -weather snow, -weather moonlight, -weather wind, -weather random, -weather off, -denyinfo(-di), -deathon(-don), -deathoff(-doff), -roll, -hideheronames(-hhn), -mute, -gameinfo, -kickafk, -afkinfo, -apm, -clear, -swapall, -courier, -ah, -list, -rolloff, -rollon, -music, -water, -itemswap, -quote, -bonus, -switch, -terrain
Download v14: DotA_LoD_6.69b_English_v14.w3x.html
Download v11: DotA_LoD_6.69b_English_v11_Game2a.com.zip
Download v12DotA_LoD_6.69b_English_v12.w3x.html

DotA v6.72f AI 1.1.w3x



Greetings! Welcome to the latest official AI DotA custom map.

NIGHTMARE ... massive official map changes, too many broken skills, too many systems completely rewritten, too much caffeine, too many new AI heroes added...  This map was an equal nightmare and a new hope for a better times. We should all thank the AITeam and Cloud_str for devoting those months so you all can enjoy that fine map. In some words the biggest changes are: -captains mode active (AI will pick and ban), all heroes got AI now, completely rewritten defense mechanism, item buying system, new gank system and so many other changes... that you`ll have to read the whole changelog to find them.. although many of the changes are invisible for you but they are in the code.. believe me  And again: thank Cloud_str for all that as i was away most of the time and the AITeam testers who endured all those painful testing hours! They deserve it!

What is AI 1.1 - we plan to release a more BMP style incremental releases which will include only AI code changes. We will change only the AI numbers in those incremental revisions.

Enjoy DotA v6.72f AI, codenamed NIGHTMARE!


  1. Fixed: Spectre's Reality auto-usage on nearest low hp enemy when Haunt is casted.
  2. Fixed: Player gets extra ability when swaping any hero with Troll AI ( Range Axe ). Same goes to Batrider ( 2nd skill ).
  3. Fixed: dupe item bug in Circle of Power area.
  4. Fixed: Respawn doesnt work when killed while under ult of Pandaren Brewmaster ( Primal Spirits ).
  5. Fixed: Io's Overcharge didn`t work.
  6. Fixed: Naga Siren's ult didn`t work.
  7. Fixed: Furion AI ult didn`t work properly.
  8. Fixed: Courier flying bug.
  9. Fixed Shadow Poison, Earthsplitter, Pounce, and Song of Siren's usage condition.
  10. Improved AI: Geomancer (Poof spamming and Earthbind), KotL (increased Blinding Light offset loc).
  11. Fixed AI item bug on carrying aegis.
  12. Fixed AI orb abilities and Splitshot usage.
  13. Fixed bug on DE/DG
  14. Fixed bug on AI trying to Roshan/gank after game ends.
  15. Changed -sh AI naming (now using colors instead of unit name)
  16. Attempt to fix player leaving on 0:00
  17. Invoker skills build change. New levels are:
    Quas: 4 14 15 16 18 20 21
    Wex: 6 10 19 22 23 24 25
  18. Added new "fake" ability 'CF03' (Phoenix' Sun Ray)
  19. Fixed heroes AI : Silencer (Curse of Silence), Lich (Frost Armor), Venomancer (Ward), Chen (Holy Persuation), Soul Keeper (was using Reflection on allies), Naga Siren (Song of the Siren bug fixed, condition reworked), Tauren (Earthsplitter improved), Shadow Demon (Shadow Poison?)
  20. Improved hero AI: Phoenix (Sun Ray)
  21. Fixed AI gold bug. Set -ng gold bonus into 0.
  22. Attempting to fix Axe's bug.
  23. Fixed AI behavior against Divine Rapier.
  24. Increased range check for Stasis Ward and Earthsplit dodge.
  25. Improved heroes AI: Disruptor (all skills), Ancient Appariton (Ice Blast condition and aiming), Gyro (Call-Down condition)
  26. Fixed AI behaviour toward gems.
  27. Added message on AI returning Divine Rapier to owner's circle.
  28. Fixed Phoenix' Fire Spirit slowing.
  29. Fixed Juggernaut's using Blade Fury while Omnislashing.
  30. Attempted to fix AI indecisive laning and base-stuck bug.
  31. Changed Rubick's itembuild
  32. Fixed AI Charge of Darkness, improved usage.
  33. Fixed Axe's berserker's call bug
  34. Fixed -dummy bug
  35. Io and Meepo Item Builds fixed.

Anime x hero siege v2.49.w3x

New version Anime x hero siege v2.44
Category: Castle Defense
Recommended Players: By iosed
Size: 6769 KB

Download v2.49:

Garena master v86.01

GarenaMaster is an Garena hack which removes all the restrictions from Garena gaming client. It has a lots offeatures including built-in Garena Exp hack, Drophack, NameSpoofer, Auto-room joiner etc. Also, you may use anyWarcraft 3 hack safely without any ban, you may use Cheat Engine too. GarenaMaster hack project was originally started by m4st3r and continued by DarkSupremo and Open|Fire but there are many people who contributed in it'sdevelopment.

Version: 86.01 - [2011/11/03]
- Back to new Injector System, but compiled with old IDE, at least here worked fine with no crash !
# PS: Remember to delete all the old garenamaster before extracting this version or just extract on different folder!
# PS: If you extract on different folder you will probably need add gm to your antivirus exclusion list again!

Divide and Fight v1.30b.w3x

Map Divide & Fight v1.30b by NgoaLong - Present by 0T0.Lowji | Ngoc Leo
Updated: 3/11/2011 9:30
Modes: -ap, -ar, -sh, -swap, -ms, -wtf, -test, -clear
Patch: 1.24e 
Category: Hero Defense
Recommended Players: 2-4-6-8-10
Size: 4685.3 KB


Bleach vs Naruto v1.2b

Bleach vs Naruto v1.2b
Category: Hero Arena
Recommended Players: 2 to12
Size: 7489.8 KB


DotA Imba AI 3.79e english version - DotA_im_3.79E_EN_Stable.w3x

Happy all member Dota imba club.....
New version map Dota imba AI 3.79e English Stable.....Fully translated

DotA IMBA - imbalance in balance - by Mimiya

Dota imba mode
